Frequntly Asked Questions
Ride Alert is free and does not utilize ads.
Nope! All you need to start using Ride Alert is your Strava account. We hate passwords, too 😎
You can view all of your upcoming and past activities from the Profile screen by tapping on the nav bar menu icon in the upper left corner.
Your Strava photo is most likely out of sync. See below to update your photo.
Your Strava profile data is maintained at Strava | Running, Cycling & Hiking App - Train, Track & Share . If you make changes to your photo, name, city, state or bio, go to Profile in Ride Alert and tap the refresh icon on your photo to synchronize.
From the Ride Details, tap the [...] button in the nav bar, then Copy. The new ride is set one week out and ready to edit. If you copied a private ride, your invitation list is copied too.
From the main activity feed (or your Profile), swipe left on the activity and tap Cancel or Delete. Canceling an activity marks it as canceled and will notify anyone who had previously joined up or commented. Deleting a ride removes it completely.
Blocking a user prevents them from accessing the activities you organize or join. From the nav bar menu, go to Settings | Account | Blocked Accounts.
Users you add in Blocked Accounts will not be able to:
- view or search for your upcoming or past organized activities
- see which activities you have joined
- add you as a favorite
- chat on or join public activities you organize, including those that may have been accessed with a shared link
- receive push notifications triggered by your actions, such as creating, changing, canceling or deleting your activities, joining another user’s activities or chatting on an activity
- invite you to their private activities (they receive a message indicating you have blocked them).
Tap on a user’s avatar image to navigate to their Profile, then tap the […] icon to submit your report.
We strive to make Ride Alert noninvasive and hassle free, only storing the information provided to us in your profile after you Connect with Strava. If you choose to enable location services, your device location is stored each time you open or restore the app. See our Privacy Policy for more information.
You can privately mute individual users by accessing the app Settings | Notifications screen or tapping the Mute button in when viewing the user’s Profile. To completely disable all notifications, follow the instructions for your iOS or Android device.
Public activities appear in the main feed and can be viewed, joined and discussed by everyone
Private activities do not appear in the main feed and are only visible to you and those you invite
Link activities do not appear in the main feed and can only be accessed by users with a shared link
Favorites are similar to following a user, but only you can view and manage your Favorites list. Anytime one of your Favorites posts or joins a public or link activity, you’ll receive a push notification with the details. This behavior can be disabled in Settings | Notifications.

Tap Routes at bottom, tap the More ... button next to the route, Share, Copy

Tap Profile at bottom, scroll to bottom, tap Routes, tap Share button on route map, Copy

Tap the More ... button at bottom, then Courses, then select course, tap blue options button on map, Share, Copy
For Android devices you must logout of Strava using your primary web browser (Chrome by default).